jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Viva el Jazzzzz

If I tell you I love you
Melody Gardot tiene una voz de mujer fatal tremenda y dice cosas confusas como "si te digo que te quiero, estoy mintiendo..." Debería hacer un dueto con Tom Waits. Son muy parecidos: sus voces y el contenido de sus canciones.

 Ya recuperé la canción, con ayuda de YouTube, por supuesto.


Louis Armstrong y su When you`re smiling, para recordar un clásico.

Y no podía faltar Benny Goodman y su clarinete  con Moonglow (solo la música, la letra al final)

 Moonglow by Benny Goodman
"It must have been moonglow, way up in the blue
It must have been moonglow that led me straight to you
I still hear you sayin', "Dear one, hold me fast"
And I keep on prayin', "Oh Lord, please let this last"

We seemed to float right through the air
Heavenly songs seemed to come from everywhere

And now when there's moonglow, way up in the blue
I'll always remember, that moonglow gave me you

It must have been moonglow, way up in the blue
It must have been moonglow that led me straight to you
I still hear you sayin', "Sweet child, hold me fast"
And I keep on prayin', "Oh Lord, please let this last"

We seemed to float right through the air
Heavenly songs seemed to come from everywhere

And now when there's moonglow, way up in the blue
I'll always remember, that moonglow gave me you"

Y otro día....más